Feb 23, 2013

kookie in singapore

running man gif cr : lovejongkookie

autograph session @ imm level 3 garden plaza
didn't buy any ticket to his activities in singa, just went to this session out of curiosity. was standing quite far away as the front was reserved for those with tickets

spartakook can speak fluent english. throughout the conversation between the emcee and him, he speak in english and even used the word 'paiseh' (hokkien word for 'embarassed') when the emcee asked him to rip off his name tag. wahhhhhh...he's really a very muscular man
muscular muscle rightttttt??? ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
pic cr : xinmsn

[here comes the super tiny faces of kim jong kook]
...let's begin our play....
if you can find him, give yourself a hug.........if you can't find him, too bad ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

using my samsung nx1000 with 20-50mm lens, thus this is what i get. mmmmmm, should get a more powerful zoom lens next time but ....... it's too expensive lah and bulky too :(

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