Apr 14, 2013

how to protect yourself from pickpockets

= actually its not just in france alone, it can happen anywhere, so just be extra careful and vigilant all the time =

from my experience : YES, i'm one of those who have seen it with my own eyes exactly how these pickpockets operated when i was in Paris. beforehand, our tour guide have been reminding us about these matters. his rules was to grab our bag as tight as possible to our front (lol), never ever put anything to our back pockets and don't care whatever happen to our surrounding, just take care of ourself. this happened when myself and group of  travel mates was in the metro. a group of teenage girls ... about 5 or 6 of them came and stand beside us. one of them started to ask what time it is and another few of them stand really close to one of my travel mate. since their action was quite suspicious, we were extra careful. maybe they can't possibly targeted us, they move to another passenger (not a parisian since the couple was speaking english) and with the same tactic of asking them the time. one of my travel mate informed the couple that this group of teenager have asked us before so be careful. the couple indeed was aware about it too. so when the train stopped at another station, this teenage group alight and we saw them hurriedly boarding into another carriage.so everything was fine at our end till we reach our destination. when we alight, another two of my travel mates who was in another carriage told us about his experience with the teenage girls. using the same tactic of asking the time, they move closer to one of my travel mate and with her fast hand trying to grab my travel mate pouch when he was checking the time for them. (btw, his pouch was belted to his front waist and covered under his jacket and it was slightly hidden) so it was quite difficult to detached it. he managed to grab the girl hand but since the train reach another station, the girl and her group just dash out from the train. so just be extra careful coz after i came back and relay this to my family, one of my aunt was telling me that she too encounter it when she was in france whereby her camera was pickpocketed and one of my cousin friend wallet which content about 10,000 euros was pickpocketed from her bag.....so just be extra careful when travelling

- an article from yahoo news -
a gentle reminder for those travelling to france 

Tourists in Paris are reminded to be on guard against increasingly brazen and aggressive pickpockets after staff at the Louvre walked out Wednesday to protest against violent working conditions.Saying they’re fed up with dealing with gangs of thugs and being spat at, insulted, threatened and even struck, 200 workers at one of the most famous museums in the world -- it receives about 10 million visits a year -- staged a walkout, disappointing a long line of tourists. The museum reopened Thursday with increased police presence, but tourists visiting crowded places should remain vigilant. In the center of Paris, thieves often work in groups of up to 30, and include children from eastern Europe.It’s the latest event to tarnish the city’s reputation in the eyes of the world. In March, a group of Chinese tourists were targeted by a gang of pickpockets, an attack that made headlines around the world.Meanwhile, the US Embassy in France offers visitors a host of tips and suggestions on how to avoid being the victim of a predatory pickpockets -- tips which can also be applied to travel around the world.

Here are a few highlights: Keep only what is essential in your wallet. For example, one credit card, one piece of ID, and no more than €50. Make copies of your passport, and other ID cards. Women are advised to carry bags with a zipper enclosure, and to carry it tightly under their arm, slightly in front of them.Swing your backpack around so that it’s slightly in front of you. Men can protect themselves by placing a rubber band around their wallet and putting it in their front pocket, a detail that will make it difficult for thieves to extract the wallet smoothly.Be extra vigilant around major tourist sites like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, the Champs-Elysées. Metros are also major target areas. If you are pickpocketed, start yelling for police immediately. The embassy advises against chasing down the perpetrators as the wallet has most likely already been handed off to someone else within the group.If there are no security guards or police around, go to the local police station (commissariat) and file a complaint.

Know what you’re up against: The most popular tactic on the metro is the “crush and grab.” You will be swarmed by several people and in the chaos, as you’re being pushed, you will be pickpocketed. Another tip: try to avoid sitting or standing right by the doors. Because another trick they use it so grab the purse or smartphone just as the train doors open and dashing away. Wherever you end up in the train, try to minimize access to your pockets and purses.The age-old distraction method involves the pretext of asking for directions, or attempts to sell you trinkets. During the distraction, someone will try to pick your pockets.Another rather unpleasant technique: Someone will throw or spill something on you like water or ice cream. You will be approached by people who feign to help you, and in the chaos, you will be pickpocketed.

ATM scams: If the machine eats your card, go into the bank immediately as it’s most likely the machine's been tampered with. Use only ATMs from major banks. Refrain from talking to anyone during the transaction, as it’s likely part of an attempt to scam you. As always, cover your hand as your enter your pin code.

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