May 7, 2013


chinese tsunami
ungrateful chinese
unappreciative chinese
what else do chinese wants??

wtf....with these politicians and newspaper
if they themselves, the malay doesn't support you, what you expect from other races
STOP blaming the CHINESE you fuuuccckkkking retarded

all this while, i'm always on the status quo but what have happened today makes me wanna take a hammer and knock on certain people head 

win or lost... it's just a game play

why blame on the chinese for the vote swing????????? why don't blame on the malays instead??????
if everyone of them voted your party, you will never have a tough time in having a majority at all

why don't you use your brain when giving out comments???
a certain prominent politician who lost even labelled the chinese as unappreciative. wthhhhh...the facts is what have you all done for us?????????? now i'm having doubt that you're a leader. a good leader is the one who sincerely and silently doing his best for his people without asking for 'pay back time' . pls go with dignity. a lost is a lost. take it as a journey of life. stop pointing fingers....

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