Jul 27, 2013

love me with lies

to connect with the writer : www.tarrynfisher.com
                                     : www.facebook.com

l  o  v  e     m  e     w  i  t  h     l  i  e  s

an awesome...beyond awesome trilogy
ratings : worth every stars in the galaxy

read this series....you won't regret it
angst. heartache. tears. smile. emotional wreck.  & the best...they got together

 feels...feeeellllllllls everywhere

and seriously i'm having a :

                                                     olivia pov
                                    for reviews, read it from : goodreads
      "I fell in love underneath a tree"
                                                                       so sad for olivia
                                                                                                         leah pov
                                                                                      for reviews, read it from : goodreads
                                                                 "Some people never change. I guess I'm one of them"

leah : i don't know whether to hate or felt empathy for her. she fight for herself and for her love..just like what she said "i will do anything to keep my husband". she's got the guts and will just do anything to keep caleb away from olivia. though her doings were bitchy lot but she's fighting for her rights as a girlfriend and latter as a wife. if olivia and caleb could fight hard like she does, both of them would not have to endure all the heartbreak

                                            caleb pov
                             for reviews, read it from : goodreads
      "She's mine. She always has been, she always will be."

noah : seems to be a nice guy. just don't think he deserved to all the crap that is happening between caleb and olivia. he deserve to have a happy moments after all, coz he have his own sad stories too where her sis and girlfriend died from cystic fibrosis. nevertheless, at one point when his relationship with olivia seems to go on a downhill, olivia still try to sort things out and chose him over caleb, so i was quite contended with it

i heart epilogue ever since i read the one from beautiful disaster
a happy ending at last

last but not least, this one is for you  tarryn fisher
looking forward another piece of  your awesomeness

 so for now...life goes on
so long ..goodbye, caleb & olivia
your beautiful love stories will remain in my heart for a long time

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